Research Summary

The Start of my Research Fellowship at YIVO in New York

I’m currently in New York where I’ve come to do some research at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research about old NY immigrant klezmers, their life trajectories, families and professional connections. I received the Fellowship in East European Arts, Music, and Theater with the general topic of “Immigrant Klezmer Musicians during the Golden Age of Commercial Recording,” which leaves me plenty of wiggle room to figure out what I can from their archival collections.

Needless to say it’s not a great time to arrive in the US. I even boarded my plane on the day of the supposed impositions of tariffs against Canada, although Trump backed off of it, or maybe deferred it for a month.

I’ve been here a week so far, but the research space at the Center for Jewish History has only been open for 3 days of it, so I’m definitely still at the start of my work and trying to make sense of which collections I can use. I started with some obvious klezmer collections, like the papers of Dave Tarras and of the Al Glaser Recording Orchestra (more on those in a later post). But those aren’t the real reason for my visit, as they are made up of musical scores with minimal contextual or biographical information.

I’ll probably spend most of my time looking at landsmanshaft and mutual aid and cultural society papers, of which YIVO has a rich collection. The first I requested was the Glinianer Young Men’s Benevolent Association (a mutual aid society for immigrants from Glina/Hlyniany); I already knew that klezmer violinist Beresh Katz was active in it around WWII, as was rather briefly the ex-klezmer Jeremiah Hescheles. It was full of dates and receipts about musical events put on by the Association and I even found the meeting minutes when Katz vouched for the newly-arrived Hescheles to become a member.

advertisement for a musician Ben Katz with a portrait of a bald, glasses wearing man
Klezmer violinist and Association vice president Beresh “Ben” Katz from a 40th anniversary booklet for the Glinianer Young Men’s Benevolent Association

That was an easy one, but I know much less about the ties of klezmers or old Jewish musicians to the many other mutual aid societies of old New York. For the rest it’s a matter of ordering boxes one by one and looking through their contents to see what connections I can make. I started with cities and towns that known NY klezmers came from; for example, Israel J. Hochman (see this old post about him) was from Kamianets-Podilskyi and his father was from nearby Zhvanets, so I looked at landsman or relief organizations associated with those places.

cover of Der Zvanitzer pamphlet with muscle-men art on the cover and text in Yiddish
Cover of “Der Zvanitser,” annual journal of the Zwanitz Podolier Progressive Branch 277 circa 1939. This muscle-man art appeared in different colour schemes on several of these annual journals.

Some of the boxes aren’t of much use for music history research if they only contain non-specific invoices, cemetery documents, or cover a much later period than I’m looking at. So far I’ve found that the anniversary booklets, souvenir journals, etc. from the 1930s and 1940s to be the most interesting source because they usually contain at least one advertisement for a musician or orchestra. In the various Kamianets and Zhvanets books I’ve looked at so far, I didn’t find any Hochmans yet but I did find George C. Brandman, a Hochman relative and cornetist who I mentioned in my Hochman post, in a publication of the Kamenetz-Podolier Relief Organization.

advertisement for a George C Brandman orchestra with a photo of a band on stage
Advertisement for George C. Brandman’s orchestra in a 1949 publication of the Kamenetz-Podolier Relief Organization, a charity organization which united the various local Kamanetzer landsmanshaftn to send aid back home.

Most interesting to me is if the musician is demonstrably a member of the association, as in the case of a member of the Radziviller-Woliner Benevolent Association, Harry Tepper, who appears in membership lists and personal greetings alongside his dentist brother(?) over a period of several years.

an ad for Harry Tepper's Novelty Orchestra in an old publication
Advertisement for Harry Tepper’s Novelty Orchestra in Radziviller-Woliner Benevolent Association souvenir journal, 1931?

Other musicians who advertised in the Radziviler journals were definitely not members, like Naftule “Nat” Brandwein, or apparently not members, like Joe Magaziner.

an ad in an old publication for Joe Magaziner's Columbia Orchestra
Advertisement for Joe Magaziner’s Columbia Orchestra in Radziviller-Woliner Benevolent Association souvenir journal, 1936?

My current plan is to continue going through YIVO’s collections of these mutual aid associations for traces of old musicians, and to start linking them to old genealogy-type records, musician’s union records and old newspaper coverage. We’ll see where the research takes me after that.

a selfie of two people standing in the aisle of an archive with various archival boxes on shelving on either side.
Myself and YIVO sound archivist Eléonore Biezunski on my first day in the building, Monday Februarty 3, 2025.
Research Summary Uncategorized

A mixed list of klezmer scores and recordings by Israel J. Hochman

I may update this over time. Here’s a table of various copyright scores and links to commercial recordings by the klezmer bandleader Israel J. Hochman. (Also: this is the kind of thing that would eventually be great to have in a more dynamic framework like the Klezmer Archive, but for now a table will do.) I compiled this from various sources: audio listings in Florida Atlantic University’s Recorded Sound Archive, University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Mayrent Collection of Yiddish Recordings and the Internet Archive; scanned manuscripts from the U.S. Library of Congress’ Yiddish American Popular Sheet Music collection or others I paid to have digitized from the LOC; and listed recordings in Ethnic Music on Records: A Discography of Ethnic Recordings Produced in the United States, 1893 to 1942 Vol. 3 by Richard K. Spottswood, and Allen Lutins’ KlezmerGuide. I’ve included Jewish, Romanian and Slavic dances but not Yiddish songs, which he was also involved with composing and recording, or tunes where I couldn’t locate a score or audio. His larger private collection of compositions or arrangements are still missing or lost somewhere. Some of these same melodies were also recorded by other artists or printed in other collections; take a look at KlezmerGuide for further info. There may also be a few duplicates here where I didn’t notice the same melody was recorded or copyrighted under multiple names.

TitleManuscriptSound RecordingYear
CEAMĂ (THE) PRIVIGITOREA; Roumanian selection, by M. Leibovitz; arr. by I. J. Hockman; instrumental.From LOC (google drive)1917
Sadegerer Chused’l {Dance Of The Disciples Of The Sadegerer Rabbi}; by I.J. Hochman’s Yiddisher Orchestra.Mayrent Collection;1918
Beim Reben’s Sideh {Sabbath At The Rabbi’s Table}; by I.J. Hochman’s Yiddisher Orchestra.Mayrent Collection;1918
Za Za Za {La La La}; by I.J. Hochman’s Yiddisher Orchestra.Mayrent Collection; 1918/9
Mazel Tov; by I.J. Hochman’s Yiddisher Orchestra.Mayrent Collection;1918
A Mitzve Tencel {Orthodox Thanksgiving Dance}; by I.J. Hochman’s Yiddisher Orchestra.Mayrent Collection; 1918/9
Auf der Volga; by I. J. Hochman and Orch.Mayrent Collection;1918
Tchebarashka Tanz; by I. J. Hochman and Orch.Mayrent Collection;1918
JOLLY; STUDENTS;; by Israel J. Hochman (of U. S.); piano accFrom LOC (google drive)1918
RUSKAIA PLIASKA; Russian dance, by Israel J. Hochman; (of U. S.); piano.Not yet ordered from LOC1918
CWIETOK (Twig. of flower); polka mazurka, Polish dance, by Israel J. Hochman; (of U. S.); piano.Not yet ordered from LOC1918
DÉMBOVITA (Roumanian Serba); dance, arr. by Israel J. Hochman (of U. S.); piano.From LOC (google drive)1918
RUSKAIA PLIASKA; Russian dance, by Israel J. Hochman; (of U. S.); piano.Not yet ordered from LOC1918
Tolner chusid – “Traeh”; by I.J. Hochman.LOC (public)1918
DREAMING BEAUTY (Spiaschtschala crasavitza); waltz, by Israel J. Hochman; (of U. S.) op. 69; piano.Not yet ordered from LOC1918
Der Supper March; by I.J. Hochman And Orch.RSA (public);1918/9
Rusish Sher Und Kadril; by I.J. Hochman And Orch.RSA (public);1918/9
Mein Geliebte-Polka Mazurka; by I.J. Hochman And Orch.RSA (public); Mayrent Collection;1918/9
Fun Der Chuppe; by I.J. Hochman And Orch. / Wedding Dance-March; by I.J. Hochman And Orch.RSA (public); Mayrent Collection; Mayrent Collection;1918/9
Zion March; by I.J. Hochman And Orch.RSA (public); Mayrent Collection; Mayrent Collection;1918/9
Dance Of The Flower {Valse De Fleur}, from ”The Nutcracker Suite” (Tschaikowsky); by Israel J. Hochman.Mayrent Collection;1919
Second Hungarian Rhapsody (Liszt); by Israel J. Hochman.Mayrent Collection;1919
MITZVEH (A) TENCEL (Thanksgiving dance); by Fivel Tabak (of U. S.), selected and arr. by I. J. Hochman; (of U. S.); instrumental.LOC (public);; Mayrent Collection;1921
FIN DER CHUPPE (From the wedding) by Solomon Burli (of U. S.), selected and arr. by I. J. Hochman; (of U. S.); instrumental.LOC (public);Mayrent Collection;1918/21
NOCH A MUL-DUS ZELBE; Jewish dance, by L. Green (of U. S.), selected and arr. by I. J. Hochman (of U. S.) ; instrumental. / Chupe Tanz; by Hochman’s Jewish Orchestra.LOC (public);RSA (public);1921
Tzu DER SCHEINER VICTORIAS CHUPPE (To the handsome victory’s wedding); Jewish; dance, by I. J. Hochman (of U. S.); piano.LOC (public);1921
GALICIAN SCHEIR QUADRILE; by Vladimir Schapiro (of U. S.), selected and arr. by I. J. Hochman; (of U. S.); instrumental.LOC (public);Mayrent Collection; RSA (public);1921
RUSSIAN SCHEIR QUADRILE; by Nate Rachmiel (of U. S.), selected and arr. by I. J. Hochman; (of U. S.); instrumental.LOC (public);; Mayrent Collection; RSA (public); RSA (public);1921/5
KOZATZKI; Russian dance, by Mitrofon Grigorof [of Russia), selected and arr. by I. J. Hochman; (of U. S.); instrumental,Not yet ordered from LOCRSA (public);1921
TENCEL (A) NUCH; DER AVDULE; by I. J. Hochman (of U. S.); instrumental.LOC (public);1921
KESHINIVER BOLGAR; melody, by I. J. Hochman and M. Kostatin (of U. S.), arr. by I. J. Hochman. / MOLIVER BOLGAR, by I. J. Hochman and His Orchestra; Ziserman.From LOC (google drive); Mayrent Collection; RSA (public); RSA (public);1921/2/8
Kamenetzer Bulgar; by I.J. Hochman’s Jewish Orchestra.RSA (public); RSA (public); RSA (requires login); Mayrent Collection; Mayrent Collection;1922/3
Russian Sheir; by I.J. Hochman’s Jewish Orchestra.RSA (public); Mayrent Collection;
UKRAINER CHUSID’L; melody by I. J. Hochman; (of U. S.]LOC (public);; RSA (public); RSA (public); Mayrent Collection; Mayrent Collection;1921/2/8
MOZEL Tov; schweir in schwiger, melody by I. J. Hochman; and L. DrutinLOC (public);1922
Mazel tov shvehr un shvieger; by I.J. Hochman’s Jewish Orchestra.Mayrent Collection;1922
PAN PIETROWSKY; polka, by I. J. Hochman; (of U. S.); instrumental.Not yet ordered from LOC1923
NA WESELLE; vivat, by I. J. Hochman; (of U. S.); instrumental.Not yet ordered from LOC1923
DLIA MLODEJ PARA: vivat, by I. J. Hochman; (of U. S.); instrumental.Not yet ordered from LOC1923
ANNIUTA; polka, by G. Ganitzky [of Austria), arr. by I. J. Hochman; (of U. S.); instrumental.Not yet ordered from LOC1923
POSLIA SLIUBU; cheborashky, by K. Dudkowski [of Poland], arr. by I. J. Hochman (of U. S.); instrumental.Not yet ordered from LOC1923
DO SLIUBU, polonez, by N. Aginskego [of Poland] arr. by I. J. Hochman; (of U. S.); instrumental. / Die Cale-Polonaise; by I.J. Hochman And Orch.Not yet ordered from LOCRSA (public); Mayrent Collection;; Mayrent Collection;1918/9 1923/4
BESSARABIER CHUSID’L I. J. Hochman; (of U. S.); instrumental.From LOC (google drive)RSA (public); RSA (requires login); Mayrent Collection; Mayrent Collection; Mayrent Collection1922/3/5
Galicianer woloch’l ; melody Moris Pochtar, of Austria, arr. I. J. H, of U. SFrom LOC (google drive)RSA (requires login); 1923
Hungarishe chosid’l ; melody I. J. H., of U. S.From LOC (google drive)RSA (requires login); Mayrent Collection;1923
Kracoviak; by Hochman’s St. Petersberg Balalaika Orchestra.Mayrent Collection;1924
Wengerka; by Hochman’s St. Petersberg Balalaika Orchestra.Mayrent Collection;1924
Bucarester chusid’l; melody I. J. H., of U. S.From LOC (google drive)RSA (requires login); Mayrent Collection;1924
Zwiling (Der); chotiner bolgar; melody I. J. H., of U. S.LOC was unable to find scoreRSA (requires login); Mayrent Collection;1924
Berditshever chusid’l ; melody I. J. H., of U. S.LOC was unable to find; Mayrent Collection1924
Autumn Winds Waltz; by I.J. Hochman And His Russian Balalaika Orchestra.RSA (requires login);1924
Vals Ozhidanie; by Hochman’s St. Petersberg Balalaika Orchestra.Mayrent Collection;1924
L’Italo Spagnolo Valzer; by Hochman’s St. Petersberg Balalaika Orchestra.Mayrent Collection;1924
Ukrainer March; by I.J. Hochman And His Russian Balalaika Orchestra.RSA (requires login);1924
Stombler bulgar;; Constantinopolier bulgar; melody N. Michail, of Roumania, arr. I. J. H., of U. S.From LOC (google drive)1924
Tchortkower chusid’l; melody I. J. H., of U. S.From LOC (google drive)1924
Argentiner freilach’s; melody I. J. H., U. S.From LOC (google drive)1924
Sadie; Philadelphier bulgar; melody I. J. H., of U. S.LOC was unable to find score1924
Rusishe Shehr; by I.J. Hochman’s Jewish Orchestra.Mayrent Collection;1925
Wos bistu ketzele broiges; by I.J. Hochman’s Jewish Orchestra.
Mayrent Collection;1928
Hebrew rhapsody; opera sketch in 1 act, words and music by I. J. Hochman, op. 62From LOC (google drive)1928

A few general observations. First, his earlier phase 1916-18 shows a lot more influence from Max Leibowitz (another bandleader) with plenty of shared repertoire and recordings or arrangements made in common. Second, there are a few pieces he recorded many times: Kamenetzer Bulgar, whose name refers to his home city of Kamianets-Podilskyi; Oginski’s “Farewell to the Homeland,” a classical composition popular among klezmer musicians; and the ubiquitous klezmer tune which he calls Moliver Bulgar or Keshinever Bulgar at various times. Third, his Galicianer Woloch’l is a snappier and more interesting version of the ubiquitous klezmer tune known commonly as Der Gasn Nign; it has an extra section too. Finally, his last piece Hebrew Rhapsody op.62 (1928) is his longest, and dates from the period where he was no longer making recordings and was running a string orchestra. I’d be curious if any more of his longer compositions from that era have survived somewhere.

Research Summary

15 Klezmer pieces by Isidore Moscovitz (New York, 1925-27)

I recently received another batch of digitized klezmer copyright scores from the U. S. Library of Congress. (You can see the whole batch here on google drive, which includes some other scores by I. J. Hochman.) I was pleased to finally get 15 of the 16 scores by Isidore Moscovitz, a klezmer from New York. (The LOC couldn’t locate the 16th, a 1926 piece called “Rumanian folks dance; by I. Moscovitz.”) As I mentioned in my post about US klezmer copyright scores, I was especially curious about Moscovitz since he wasn’t a known recording artist or bandleader from the 78 rpm recording industry.

I was hoping that the scores would contain some extra information that would help me identify Moscovitz, but unfortunately there was nothing beyond the music and title info. A friend suggested comparing his signature on the music to ones in immigration documents, which is an interesting idea I’ll have to look into later.

My basic assumption is that he was a klezmer born in Romania in the late nineteenth century, who emigrated to New York and became a citizen by the 1910s. Based on some of the place names in his tune titles (Iași, Galați, Brăila), maybe he was from the Eastern or Moldavian part of Romania, like his more famous New York contemporaries Joseph Moskowitz and Max Leibowitz. Like the tunes copyrighted or recorded by those two, they consist of a mix of husids, sirbas, bulgars, etc. I have no idea if he composed these, if he learned them in Romania or New York, or what motivated him to copyright pieces without apparently recording or publishing them.

Here are the pieces. The scans are not particularly high quality, but if you want the original scans go find the PDFs in the Google Drive I linked at the top. I’d love to know if you play or record them, feel free to get in touch.