Research Summary

A mixed list of scores and recordings by Philadelphia klezmer Harry Kandel

I may update this over time. Here’s a table of various copyright scores and links to commercial recordings by the Philadelphia klezmer clarinetist and bandleader Harry Kandel. (Also: this is the kind of thing that would eventually be great to have in a more dynamic framework like the Klezmer Archive, but for now a table will do.) My goal here is partly to give context to the new copyright scores I received, but also to explore the overlapping Kandel items in digital collections and what copyright limits are put on them.

I compiled this from various sources: audio listings in Florida Atlantic University’s Recorded Sound Archive, University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Mayrent Collection of Yiddish Recordings, as well as others like the Internet Archive, Dartmouth Jewish Sound Archive and the Discography of American Historical Recordings when those first two fell short. I did not try to add every single possible link to a digitized recording (Dartmouth has many more than I linked, for example).

I juxtaposed these with scanned manuscripts from the U.S. Library of Congress’ Yiddish American Popular Sheet Music collection or others I paid to have digitized from the LOC.; and checked the list against listed recordings in Ethnic Music on Records: A Discography of Ethnic Recordings Produced in the United States, 1893 to 1942 Vol. 3 by Richard K. Spottswood, the Discography of American Historical Recordings list of Kandel’s work, and Allen Lutins’ KlezmerGuide. Some of these same melodies were also recorded by other artists or printed in other collections; take a look at KlezmerGuide for further info.

TitleManuscriptSound RecordingYear
A Freilachs Von Der Chuppe {A Happy Dance From The Wedding Ceremony}No known copyright scoreMayrent Collection, FAU RSA1917
Oddessar Bulgarish {Jewish Dance From Odessa}No known copyright scoreMayrent Collection, FAU RSA1917
A Freylachs Die Mamma Is Gegangen In Mark Arein
{The Mother Goes To Market} {Old Hebrew Song From Odessa}
No known copyright scoreFAU RSA, Mayrent Collection1917
Der Stiller Bulgarish {The Quiet Bulgar}No known copyright scoreMayrent Collection, LOC Jukebox1917
A Abspiel Far Die Machatonim {Hebrew Wedding Music For The Parents
 Of The Bridegroom}
No known copyright scoreMayrent Collection, FAU RSA1917
A Yiddisha Honga-Hebrew DanceNo known copyright scoreMayrent Collection, FAU RSA1917
Polka Lubka {Lively Polka}No known copyright scoreInternet Archive; Mayrent Collection1918
Mazur Weselny {Lively Mazurka}No known copyright scoreMayrent Collection, Internet Archive1918
KolomeykaNo known copyright scoreMayrent Collection, LOC Jukebox1918
Rusiche Shaer {Russian Dance}-Pt. 1No known copyright scoreMayrent Collection, FAU RSA, (*Earlier recording of this was a reject)1918
Rusiche Shaer {Russian Dance}-Pt. 2No known copyright scoreMayrent Collection, FAU RSA, (*Earlier recording of this was a reject)1918
Hora {Dance}No known copyright scoreMayrent Collection, (*Earlier recording of this was a reject)1918
Dem Trisker Rebens Nigen {Characteristic Jewish dance}No known copyright scoreMayrent Collection, FAU RSA, LOC Jukebox1918
Der Nicolaiver Bulgar {A Bulgar Dance}No known copyright scoreMayrent Collection, FAU RSA, LOC Jukebox1918
HopackNo known copyright scoreMayrent Collection, LOC Jukebox 1918
DoinaNo known copyright score*Recording was a reject1918
Lebedig Und Freylach {Lively and Happy}LOCMayrent Collection, FAU RSA, Mayrent Collection (1921)1918/21
Kiever Bulgar {Dance From Kiev}LOCMayrent Collection, FAU RSA1921
Bapolier Freylachs {Bapolier Song Of Happiness}Google drive (from LOC)Mayrent Collection, FAU RSA1921
Die Lustige ChsideemLOCFAU RSA, Mayrent Collection1921
Freyleche Mechitonim {Lively Relatives}LOCMayrent Collection, Internet Archive, LOC Jukebox, FAU RSA 1921
Patch Tanz {Hand-Clapping Dance}LOCInternet Archive, FAU RSA, Mayrent Collection1921
Choosin Kalle Mazel Tov {Good Luck, Bride And Groom}No known copyright scoreMayrent Collection, FAU RSA1921
Sha! {”Hush!”}LOC was not able to locate this scoreInternet Archive, FAU RSA, Mayrent Collection1921
Roumainische Bulgar {Roumainian Dance}LOCMayrent Collection, Internet Archive, FAU RSA1921
Russishe KomarinskaNo known copyright scoreMayrent Collection (1921), FAU RSA (1921), LOC Jukebox (1921), Internet Archive (1921), DJSA (1924, login required), FAU RSA (1927, login required)1921/24/27
Der Broiges TanzLOCFAU RSA, Mayrent Collection1921
Flaskadriga-Dance Of The ”Chasidem”Google drive (from LOC)Mayrent Collection, Internet Archive, FAU RSA1921
A Zoi Feift Min Un A Schweiger {Putting It Over On Mother-In-Law!}LOCMayrent Collection, FAU RSA1921
A Purim By Der SeedaLOCMayrent Collection, FAU RSA, DJSA (login required)1921
The Goldene Chasina {The Golden Wedding}LOCMayrent Collection (1921), Internet Archive (1923), FAU RSA (1923, login required), Mayrent Collection (1923), Mayrent Collection (1924)1921/23/24
Yasser BulgarLOCFAU RSA (1921), Mayrent Collection (1921), FAU RSA (1923, login requred)1921/23
Bukarester BulgarLOCFAU RSA (1921), Mayrent Collection (1921), FAU RSA (1923, login requred)1921/23
Mohlever BulgarLOCMayrent Collection, FAU RSA1921
Ma YofisGoogle drive (from LOC)Mayrent Collection, FAU RSA1921
Ba A Glassella WeinLOCFAU RSA, Mayrent Collection1921
Kandel’s BulgarGoogle drive (from LOC)FAU RSA, Mayrent Collection1921
Yekatarinslaver BulgarLOCMayrent Collection, FAU RSA1921
Auf Der Mohldivanka {On The Great White Way Of Odessa}No known copyright scoreMayrent Collection, LOC Jukebox1923
Mamaliga-Roumanian DanceNo known copyright scoreMayrent Collection, FAU RSA (login required), LOC Jukebox1923
Buccaviner BulgarNo known copyright scoreUnclear if this was a reject1923
Freylacher Choosid {Happy Student}No known copyright scoreMayrent Collection (1923), UC Santa Barbara via DAHR (1923) LOC Jukebox (1923), Mayrent Collection (1927), FAU RSA (login required)1923/27
Der Zaide Mit Die Babba {The Grandfather And The Grandmother}No known copyright scoreInternet Archive (1923), FAU RSA (1923, login required), Mayrent Collection (1923), Mayrent Collection (1924)1923/24
Der Gassen Nigen {The Street Melody}No known copyright scoreMayrent Collection, LOC Jukebox, FAU RSA (login required),1923
Serba Popilor {The Serbian Priest}No known copyright scoreMayrent Collection1923
Bolter Bulgar {The Bulgar Of Balta}No known copyright scoreMayrent Collection, Internet Archive1923
Simchas Toirah In Der Alter Haim
{The Rejoicing Of The Torah In The Old Country}
No known copyright scoreFAU RSA (login required)1923
Doina and HoraNo known copyright scoreFAU RSA (login required)1923
Sha! Der Rebe Tantzt {Sh! The Rabbi Is Dancing}Google drive (from LOC)Mayrent Collection, FAU RSA (login required)1924
HopakCopyright score exists but not yet ordered from LOCDJSA (login required)1924
Der Ferginegen Fin Tatta Mamma {The Parents Joy}Google drive (from LOC)* the name is switched with Nacht in Gan EdenMayrent Collection, FAU RSA (login required)1924
Dus Zekele Geld {The Sack Of Gold}LOC was not able to locate this scoreMayrent Collection (1924), FAU RSA (1924, login required), Mayrent Collection (date unknown)1924
A Nacht In Gan Adin {A Night In Paradise} / Die Freylachs Nacht In Ganeden {The Happy Night In Heaven}-FreylachsLOC was not able to locate this score. *the score by this name corresponds to “Der Ferginegen..” melody aboveMayrent Collection (1924), FAU RSA (1924, login required), UC Santa Barbara via DAHR (1926)1924/26
Der Zisser Cholem Google drive (from LOC)*Recording was a reject1924
Machotonim A HeimLOC was not able to locate this scoreMayrent Collection, FAU RSA (login required)1924
Far Dem Rebbins KoovidLOC was not able to locate this scoreMayrent Collection, FAU RSA (login required)1924
Die Chasidim Forren Tsum Rebbin {The Chasidim Visit The Rabbi}Google drive (from LOC)FAU RSA (login required), DJSA (login required); earlier recording was a reject1924
Der Zaida Mit Dem AinikelLOC was not able to locate this score*Recording was a reject1924
A Yiddisha Chasina {A Jewish Wedding}LOC was not able to locate this scoreYoutube, DJSA (login required)1924
Es Is Schön Lightig {Dawn Appears}Google drive (from LOC)Mayrent Collection1924
Russian Revolution MarchGoogle Drive (from LOC)*Recording was a reject1924
Doina {Doina Und Serba} (arr Kandel)No known copyright scoreMayrent Collection 1924
Der Shikerer Moldawan-BulgarNo known copyright scoreMayrent Collection, FAU RSA (login required)1924
Naches {Joy} -BulgarNo known copyright scoreMayrent Collection, FAU RSA (login required)1924
Die Turkishe Chasene {A Turkish Wedding}No known copyright scoreMayrent Collection1924
Dus Geliebte Palestina {Beloved Palestine}-BulgarNo known copyright scoreMayrent Collection, FAU RSA (login required)1925
Froeliche Rusiska {Malo-Russian Peasants’ Dance}No known copyright scoreMayrent Collection, FAU RSA (login required)1925
Pozsha {Fire}-BulgarNo known copyright scoreMayrent Collection1925
Dus Freylache Russland {Happy Russia}No known copyright scoreMayrent Collection, FAU RSA (login required)1925
A Laibediga Honga {A Lively Honga}-BulgarNo known copyright scoreMayrent Collection, FAU RSA (login required)1925
Cohen’s Visit To The Sesquicentennial- Novelty Fox TrotNo known copyright scoreMayrent Collection1926
Jakie Jazz ‘Em UpNo known copyright scoreMayrent Collection1926
Bie A Glezele Mashke {At The Drinking Table}-FreylachsNo known copyright scoreUC Santa Barbara via DAHR1926
Der Muzinikel {The Youngest One}-FreylachsNo known copyright scoreMayrent Collection, FAU RSA (login required)1927
Chevre, Nit Gezorgt {Folks, Don’t Worry}-FreylachsNo known copyright scoreMayrent Collection, FAU RSA (login required)1927
Lebedig, Chatskel {Lively, Chatskel}No known copyright scoreMayrent Collection, FAU RSA (login required)1927
Diene Schwartze Oigen {Your Black Eyes}No known copyright scoreFAU RSA (login required)1927

A few observations. First, Kandel was most active in submitting copyright scores in two years, 1921 and 1924, despite putting out 78rpm discs between 1917 and 1927. Second, he has an interesting range of material, including some things that are a bit more exotic in the 1910s/20s American klezmer context (A Abspiel Far Die Machatonim, Die Turkishe Chasene). Others are very common melodies recorded by a number of his contemporaries (Der Gassen Nigen, Serba Popilor, Der Stiller Bulgarish, etc.).

The other thing that interests me in comparing these various digital collections is how these 100 year old materials are treated in terms of copyright and public access.

  • Mayrent Collection is the most open and complete; login is not required to stream any of the pieces, and they were often the only archive to have a rare Kandel piece. In my opinion, as it is more recent and digitized with care, the audio quality is best here too.
  • Florida Atlantic University’s Recorded Sound Archive was the original place I encountered a lot of these Kandel sides 15 years ago. They require an account and login to stream the full recordings for ones made in 1923 or later. I think most of them were digitized 15 years ago or more and so they have acceptable sound quality but not quite as good as the Mayrent Collection.
  • Dartmouth University’s Jewish Sound Archive has almost as many as MC and RSA, even though I got to it last in this effort and therefore didn’t link most of them. It requires registration and login to stream any of them, no matter when they were released, although registration can be done with social media.
  • The Internet Archive has about a dozen Kandel pieces, and they can be streamed without a login. However, the sound quality is mixed.
  • The Library of Congress has 15 of Kandel’s manuscripts posted publicly on their digital collection. These are all from 1921, although they missed a few 1921 scores by him. They also have about a dozen Kandel sound recordings on their digital jukebox which have a decent sound quality and can be streamed without a login. By paying for digitization I got a handful more copyright scores from 1921, and another batch from 1924. They couldn’t locate about 10 that are known to exist.
  • The Discography of American Historical Recordings has a very complete list of Kandel’s recordings, of which about 25 can be streamed without a login. The digitization is of decent quality and was done at UC Santa Barbara; I tried to follow through to UBSB’s library and see if they host the tracks directly but I couldn’t get them to come up in their catalogue.

One last thing that made me chuckle a bit was the mixup between “Der Ferginegen Fin Tatta Mamma” and “A Nacht in Gan Adin.” “A Nakht in Gan Eden” has been one of the best-known klezmer tunes since the 1970s revival, appearing in Compleat Klezmer and many a jam session. On the copyright score we can see that “Der Ferginegen..” has been written out under the title “A Nacht..” I assume if they had been able to find the other score it would have had the familiar “A Nacht..” melody. The titles are equally meaningless in relation to the tunes, but I wonder if Kandel has originally meant the opposite and it was a record company mixup that immortalized A Nakht in Gan Eden as we know it. Or maybe he changed his mind at the last minute. By the time of the 1926 re-recording he kept the name.

Thanks to Tom Deakin who noticed the “Nacht in Gan Adin” mixup and to Patty Farrell who sent me a trove of info about Kandel a few years ago. And of course to Hankus Netsky whose Klezmer: Music and Community in Twentieth-Century Jewish Philadelphia, Temple University Press, 2015, gives a great background on Kandel and his context.